April 13, 2021 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Britt Fohrman

Gentle Yoga – Every Tuesday and Friday from 12-1:30 pm PT via Zoom. Suggested donation $10-30. All levels grounding, relaxing practice. Register for upcoming classes here.

My Gentle Hatha classes offer you a way to replenish, heal and grow.

With an emphasis on alignment, sequencing, and breath guided movement, I encourage you to step out of your head and into your body. Dynamic, nurturing, healing, and fun, these classes are meant to address the unique needs and concerns of those practicing on any given day. You may sweat, or you may relax. You may strengthen, or you may release.

Students are invited to find a balance between effort and relaxation. Whether the focus is on fluid movement or therapeutic sequences, you can always expect to begin with time to settle into your body, feel your breath and move from the present experience of your body, mind and heart.

Yogis of all ages, levels and body types will enjoy this relaxed pace, attention to detail and warm, spirited approach to Yoga.  Postpartum women are welcome and will be given appropriate modifications.

PROPS: Yoga props are not required, though they may enhance your practice. I suggest having a stable chair nearby (not on wheels). If you don’t have a mat, be on a firm, non-slippery floor. If you don’t have a bolster, gather firm pillows and/or couch cushions. If you don’t have blocks, gather a couple of stacks of hardcover books, each about 6 inches tall. If you don’t have yoga blankets, gather firm, tightly woven blankets and or beach towels. If you don’t have a belt, gather an old tie, the belt from your bathrobe or some other kind of belt or rope that’s laying around. Something to cover your eyes at the end will be nice too!