Yoga for Your Yoni


In Yoga for Your Yoni you’ll open and tune into your yoni and pelvic floor, while igniting the strength, suppleness and juiciness within this mysterious and powerful part of your body.

In this loving and supportive environment, you’ll explore gentle and restorative yoga, along with yogic breathing, sounding, meditation and other embodiment techniques.

Upcoming Events:

Yoga for Your Yoni: Liberating the Pleasure Body

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A yoga and embodiment adventure that will transform the way you experience your yoni and your s3xual energy.

For 6 weeks we dive in with…

  • Gentle and Restorative Yoga, breathwork, movement and meditation specifically for your entire pelvic region
  • Juicy group and 1:1 breakout-room explorations
  • Inner exercises to tone, heal and enliven your s3xual energy
  • Release blocks to pleasure, confidence and ease
  • Loving space held for feeling deeper into your luscious body
  • Recorded home-play audio practices to take you further, at your own pace

Cultivate embodiment and expand pleasure in this 6-week online series for women in all life stages.

Together we’ll deepen our connection to our yonis and expand our capacity to open more easily for our pleasure, our power, and if pregnant (or desiring to be), for our babies.

Over the past 2 decades of working with women, and all that arises in their pelvises, I have found that there are certain yoga and embodiment practices that can help us connect to this part of our bodies, open up the energy flow and heighten the awareness that helps us have more ease, pleasure, power and joy.

Through these practices, we can release the tension, thought patterns and misconceptions that keep us from feeling empowered, confident and turned on.

If this sounds good to you, then you’ll love YOGA FOR YOUR YONI, a transformative and empowering journey for women in all life stages.

It’s part yoga and embodiment practices, part conversation about how our yonis work. We explore what they like and dislike, what helps them thrive and what makes them come more alive. It’s full of resources and practices for yonis of all ages and life stages. So far we’ve had a wide range of women join us from their 20’s to their 70’s!

Just like any other part of our bodies, our yonis can hold the tension that builds up from pent up emotions, physical injuries or any kind of trauma. Our yonis hold the stories of our sexual histories, which not only includes our sexual expereinces but also pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions, procedures and so much more.

I came to doing this work through teaching prenatal yoga, being a doula and going on my own journey with chronic yoni challenges. I learned that what helps yonis to open and relax during birth, is often the same for sex and life in general.

I also found that there are embodiment practices, meditative explorations and super empowering resources that helped me heal and go from not being able to put a tampon in without pain (let alone anything bigger!) to having mind blowing sex for hours at a time.

Speaking of communication, you might be thinking, “Why use the word yoni? Why not just call it “vagina” like the textbook or the doctor does? I go into this in more detail in class, but the short answer is that yoni is translated as “the source of all creation” in Sanskrit, while “vagina” is translated as “sheath”, as in the place where he stores his sword (a.k.a. his pouch for storing a sharp metal weapon).

Which ones sounds more empowering and reverent to you? Our words hold a lot of power, so in our interactive practices we experiment with language that feels embodied and exciting. We practice communicating from and for this part of our bodies so that we can advocate for our pleasure, health and enjoyment!

Disclaimer: While ALL YONIS ARE WELCOME HERE, I acknowledge that I don’t have enough expertise in working with non binary or trans folx to be adept at speaking to their experience of their genitals. My lived and professional experince and training is founded in cis female bodies. If you are non-binary or trans and are drawn to this practice, you are most warmly welcomed!

Pregnant people are welcome and will be given modifications as needed. There will be some practices lying down on our backs, so it is ideal for any pregnant people joining to have some prior experience with yoga, to support your ease in adapting the practice to suit your growing body. This series is a wonderful complement to my course Preparing Your Vagina for Birth.

Do you feel disconnected from your feminine power?

Do you want to “get your groove back” after a break-up, having kids, or a really long pandemic dry spell?

Do you have pelvic pain or discomfort?

Do you ever notice that your yoni holds tension as a result of your stress, trauma, birth, or in life in general?

Do you feel self conscious, ashamed of or confused by your genitals?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions then Yoga for Your Yoni is here to help!

Each class includes:

  • Yoga, breathwork, relaxation, meditation, and mantra that enhance your connection to your yoni and entire pelvic region.
  • Uncensored yoni transmissions to inspire and enable a deeper and more empowered relationship with your yoni.
  • Practical education about how to heal, strengthen and/ or release your pelvic floor.
  • Guidance for integrating the practices into your life, sex and for those that are pregnant, birth.
  • Opportunities to connect with others in the group through group discussions and breakout rooms (totally optional for the shy 😉

Through the series you will receive:

  • Insight on how to have a more conscious & satisfying relationship with your body.
  • A wide array of practices to enhance pleasure and cultivate ease.
  • A thorough list of resources to support your education, expansion and healing outside of our class sessions.
  • Inspiration to explore your body, yoga and sex life in new and exiciting ways.
  • Recordings of the practices (though not the group sharing) to offer you opportunities to keep practicing on your own.

Prior students in this series have appreciated:

  • Feeling less shame and more confidence in their bodies and whole being.
  • Being a part of a community of women on a path to greater pleasure and joyful embodiment.
  • Experiencing more pleasure, bigger orgasms and better communication with lovers and care providers.
  • Having less pain, and more ideas about how to self heal.

“Taking Britt’s Yoga for Your Yoni class gave me a few reasons to celebrate. My first impression was that I had never thought of my yoni this way before and it all felt very foreign.

But as I connected more with myself through the class it was like finding an old friend that I had lost over time. I was remembering my yoni and intentionally making space for her in my life again. I also began to celebrate the connection of my yoni to all aspects of my life.

My intuition, whether something is a yes or no, and so many of my daily experiences. It wasn’t what I was expecting and I’m so grateful to Britt for all this new yoni knowledge.”

– Katlyn 

“I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed our Yoga for Yoni class. It’s been such a gift to have come upon this class; I sense (and sometimes feel I am ) the wisdom of the earth, emanating through my very own yoni, as we explore various and endless experiences of what it is to be and feel- from the ground and eroticism – that is the Yoni herself.

You have been pointing the way to greater relaxation and receptivity, greater life force and expression. So needed for my intense ‘leadership’ style life. These last 6 weeks, I’ve learned so much about S L O W , about receiving and pleasure. Not even/just sexual pleasure. But the pleasure of my very nature, which includes my yoni!

– Priscilla

“Yoga for your Yoni was so empowering! In this six week series I was able to access, move & heal energy that I’ve had trapped for years, even decades. I wasn’t able to join live but I feel I got a very full experience watching the replay. I kept a journal & I did the breakout rooms with myself where I recorded what was present for me.

I highly recommend this!”

– Brianna Jarboe, Doula