As soon as I could understand what the dominant paradigm was, I wanted to defy it.

My Story

From the moment I learned about patriarchy, I knew I would spend my life trying to dismantle it. First it was through provocative imagery in my work as a photographer, then in raising consciousness and body awareness as a yogini-healer, and eventually in empowering mothers as a doula and birth educator. The more I learned about the way our culture disrespects womenā€™s bodies, the more holy I knew we were.


Our ancient somatic wisdom was undeniably illuminated to me in attending close to 500 births, in over two decades.Ā  Along with being guided by birth as a metaphor for so much of the feminine journey, I weave into my work thousands of hours of training in therapeutic yoga, meditation, HypnoBirthing, hypnosis, Buddhism, Tantra, Shamanism, Non-Violent Communication, plant medicine, dance, holistic healing and myriad feminine embodiment practices.

The experience of losing my beloved husband, Eric, and choosing what becoming a widow means to me, has been one of the greatest portals of growth and transformation I have ever known. I chose pleasure as the vehicle through which I would revive myself, learning Tantric alchemical processes in my training as a VITA Sex, Love and Relationship Coach.

I turned my pain into pleasure, and the pleasure into enlivening, healing energy beyond what I have ever known. My passion for the healing capacity of Mother Nature has wound like a vine through the decades of honing my crafts. From feeling more like myself in the wild, to healing from Lyme Disease with plants, to repairing the wounds of my heart through psychedelics.

I have come to see that art, sexuality, birth, yoga, immersion in nature, community gatherings and individual support are all key ingredients in my own witchesā€™ brew of multidimensional medicine for the modern woman.Ā 

As a transformation coach, pleasure doula, embodiment guide, birth educator and photographer, I help women cultivate embodied joy, expand pleasure and step into radical self love. I hold a loving space for you to travel beyond your intellect, uncovering the reliable guidance of your body, liberating you into a life led by your desires, inner knowing and sovereign values.

Join me to unveil a life of greater pleasure, power and satisfaction.



This past year I made a new friend. A total bad ass. A remarkable doula, an exquisite photographer, a yoga teacher, a medicine healer, and such a supportive, silly, and wonderful sister on the path. Her name is Britt Fohrman.


ā€”Chrissy Brady Smith

My Instagram is Juicy